Monday, February 23, 2009

Ten Days On...and the Music Lives in Us

Now ten days have passed since the Michael's funeral and the majestic music from the service is still ringing in our hearts. The combined choir swelled to almost one hundred singers with representatives from the Canadian Children's Opera Company, The Orpheus Choir of Toronto, the Laurier Singers, the Wilfred Laurier University Concert Choir and Faculty from Waterloo, and the Cantabile Chamber Singers from Toronto.

When Michael met with Rev. Palmer three years ago, he asked that there be 'Big Singing,' because he didn't have the breath left himself to sing...and sing they did, with all their hearts and their glorious voices! Michael chose his three special hymns, (which I will list for you along with the full music program, at a later blog,) as well as BACH...chorales and preludes...yes, there must always be Bach! We added the four Canadian composers.

Our other musicians included Thomas Fitches~Organist and Director of Music at St. Clement's Church, who warmly welcomed our special guests Robert Cooper~Conductor of the Orpheus Choir of Toronto, Ann Cooper Gay~organist and Conductor of the Canadian Children's Opera Company, Errol Gay~pianist, Moshe Hammer~violinist and Edward Moroney~organist and pianist.

The clergy was lead by the Rev Canon Cheryl C. Palmer, Rector of St. Clement's Anglican Church assisted by the Rev David Montgomery. Family members on Anne-Marie's side, Father Murray McDermott from Waterloo and Father Leo Byrne from Kingston, along with Fr. Larry Marcille, Pastor of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church also participated in the service.

We want to express our heartfelt appreciation to each of you for your generous participation in this Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Michael Applin. And to each of you who attended the service...thank you too for the Big Singing!

The church was brimming with so many family, friends, neighbours and colleagues from the pages of Michael's life.

I will write soon about the tribute remarks given to remember and honour Michael by dear friends Dr.David Naylor, Richard Hossack and Tennys Hanson .

Thank you all for making this service the most remarkable celebration of our Michael.

The Applin Girls


1 comment:

Mary Pearson said...

Mike and I were colleagues almost 30 years ago at Currie Coopers & Lybrand. I was so sorry to hear today that he has left us.

I remember him for his quick wit, and hard work and dedication as a consultant. He was highly respected by peers and clients and epitomized professionalism in our profession.

Last year I ran into him at Patachou cafe. He sat down with us and we talked about music and his illness. I was struck by his bravery and graciousness in the face such challenges.

My heartfelt condolences to the family.

Mary Pearson