Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fixing the Hole in My Leg - Part 2

The treatment for the cellulitis turned out to be intravenous antibiotics for a week which thankfully were administered by home care (after the initial dose as an in-patient).

It's quite the undertaking - two plus hours a night sitting with a drip; then disconnecting tubing while leaving the needle in and hoping that the site will last another day. If it doesn't then it's another go around with the nurse the next night to find a suitable site and tape everything in place.

The morning shower becomes an interesting undertaking. I was advised to cover the leg wound in Saran Wrap. Then I had to cover the needle site in Saran Wrap. Apart from requiring an industrial sized roll of Saran, I entered the shower every morning looking like something from a David Cronenberg film and emerged a soggy, dripping mess.

The treatment however was very effective. The antibiotic they used was heavy duty and my leg was feeling better within three days.

Never having had home care before I was impressed with the service. Someone arrived ahead of the nurse with boxes of stuff and a IV pole and an IV machine to meter the drip.

The nurses I had (2) were very different and diverse. Both had been here 8 years - one was an Iranian who was a trained nurse back home. The relief guy on the weekend was an Angolan-trained pediatrician of some 4 years standing who was interning here as a pediatrician to gain his Canadian qualifications. All of which made for some interesting discussions.

The wound itself is shrinking - but very slowly. It will be 7 weeks this Sunday since the injury and at this rate it will take several more weeks before I can say it's really healed.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fixing the Hole in My Leg

I felt such an idiot for tripping and falling into the door handle of the car on September 7th that I didn't post anything here about the accident.

It is a nasty wound, about 2 inches by 1 inch and shaped like a crescent moon. It is also deep because I rubbed my trouser leg when it happened and all the skin and flesh came off on the inside of my pants. I thought it would heal, albeit slowly, and the emergency folks at Toronto General said there was no skin left to stitch so here's a tetanus shot, dress it daily and be prepared for a long healing process.

That was 4 weeks ago and it isn't much better. Not only that, an infection has spread up my leg through the lymph system causing sore, red blotches and making it difficult and painful to walk. So after a quick visit to my family doctor yesterday it was back to for a second time to TGH emergency last night where they told me it was cellulitis and ordered up an intravenous antibiotic. (My average wait time at TGH emerg is now 5.25 hours)

The transplant team also swung into action today and are considering a coordinated intervention that might include broader coverage on the antibiotic front, wound cleansing - can't wait for that! - and plastic surgery. My guess is I won't be chosen for a transplant even if something comes available until this infection and wound are cleared up.

So moral of the story for me is call for help early and don't assume things will get better on their own.