Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 23 and Holding His Own

Let me begin with remarking on the incredible kindness and generosity of our wonderful neighbours, friends and family. From all 5 of the Applin Girls, our special thanks for looking after our well-being, along with your supportive wishes for Michael!

Today was such a beautiful sunny and mild day (around 0 degrees C/32 degrees F) that we brought in Michael's glasses and he read for himself your wonderful get-well cards and wishes. The nurses in ICU encouraged us to display them for him to see and we did. The room is now as cheery as the sunny day!

As you know from this blog, Michael's two sisters Lesley and Heather are here with us from England, having arrived January 8th for his false alarm call. As frustrating as that visit began for them, the timing gave us all three great days to visit together with Michael, who by then had already been in Toronto General Hospital for 6 weeks. On Sunday morning at 6:30am Michael received the call that they had a set of lungs for him!!

Now here we are together, almost one full month later, and I don't think we three (Steph, Kate and I ) could imagine a day without the 'Aunties'. Sadly for us, they leave us on Saturday Morning, February 7th to return to their husbands and family.....I am not quite sure what life will look like here without 'My Sisters' in my daily life and this amazing mutual support system we have created. It must be like a parallel universe for house, new kitchen, new friends (we see daily in the waiting room) and a stunning amount of snow to shovel, dress for and negotiate every day. I know we will miss them terribly and only hope they can find a way to be back with us very, very soon.

We are all grateful to their husbands, Peter and Trevor, for taking on all the responsibilities in England so that Heather and Lesley could focus on Toronto and Michael. Thanks also to their great colleagues where they work for their friendship and encouragement to stay on in Canada to see their brother through this marathon. We know it has been such an important part of his recovery.

With the determination you'd expect from him, Michael is making baby-steps forward...toward the day he can leave the Intensive Care Unit and move on to the Lung Transplant Step-down Unit. That is our immediate target. I know you are all cheering him on! xoxo

1 comment:

Erika said...

I am very happy to hear about Michael's progress! I know that all of us on 10 Eaton are definitely cheering him on. I look forward to more updates :-) All the best, Erika