Sunday, September 14, 2008

Graduating to a Mask in time for Halloween

I've mentioned before the contrasting affects of my improved level of fitness over the last 12 weeks set against my invetable declining lung capability.

One result is that I have had to start using a mask instead of the nasal canulae when I use the treadmill and the bike. Most people, me included, breathe through the mouth when exercising and that cuts down on the oxygen that comes through my nose. The mask concentrates the supplemental oxygen and keeps my oxygen/blood saturation much higher. As a result I can exercise longer and feel less tired at the end of the session.

Wearing a mask cuts down on conversation unless the person you re talking to is used to interpreting muffled wheezes so that's also a benefit. It's suprising how much talking while exercising reduces my numbers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So are you transferring full-time to the mask by Hallowe'en, or was that just a pun and it's exercise-only?