Monday, June 30, 2008

Back on Track

It is the begining of my fourth week in physio and after today's workout it seems that all my numbers are back to where they were before the infection - so that's good!

It really helps when Anne-Marie or Stephanie come to help. It takes less time to get set up for the exercise and ensure I am plugged into the wall with the right amount of oxygen flow. It also helps if someone is there to help swab down the equipment with the sterile wipes afer use.

Because this is a long weekend there was much chatter in the treadmill room on Friday about the greater potential for lungs being available for transplant. As morbid as it may be, the reality is the more traffic on the roads, the more accidents.

1 comment:

Chris A. said...


It sounds to me like you are in quite a battle, my friend. Keep the faith, and listen to at least 1/2 of what the doctors advise.

You will be in our prayers, my friend.

God Bless,

Chris A.