Monday, February 23, 2009

Ten Days On...and the Music Lives in Us

Now ten days have passed since the Michael's funeral and the majestic music from the service is still ringing in our hearts. The combined choir swelled to almost one hundred singers with representatives from the Canadian Children's Opera Company, The Orpheus Choir of Toronto, the Laurier Singers, the Wilfred Laurier University Concert Choir and Faculty from Waterloo, and the Cantabile Chamber Singers from Toronto.

When Michael met with Rev. Palmer three years ago, he asked that there be 'Big Singing,' because he didn't have the breath left himself to sing...and sing they did, with all their hearts and their glorious voices! Michael chose his three special hymns, (which I will list for you along with the full music program, at a later blog,) as well as BACH...chorales and preludes...yes, there must always be Bach! We added the four Canadian composers.

Our other musicians included Thomas Fitches~Organist and Director of Music at St. Clement's Church, who warmly welcomed our special guests Robert Cooper~Conductor of the Orpheus Choir of Toronto, Ann Cooper Gay~organist and Conductor of the Canadian Children's Opera Company, Errol Gay~pianist, Moshe Hammer~violinist and Edward Moroney~organist and pianist.

The clergy was lead by the Rev Canon Cheryl C. Palmer, Rector of St. Clement's Anglican Church assisted by the Rev David Montgomery. Family members on Anne-Marie's side, Father Murray McDermott from Waterloo and Father Leo Byrne from Kingston, along with Fr. Larry Marcille, Pastor of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church also participated in the service.

We want to express our heartfelt appreciation to each of you for your generous participation in this Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Michael Applin. And to each of you who attended the service...thank you too for the Big Singing!

The church was brimming with so many family, friends, neighbours and colleagues from the pages of Michael's life.

I will write soon about the tribute remarks given to remember and honour Michael by dear friends Dr.David Naylor, Richard Hossack and Tennys Hanson .

Thank you all for making this service the most remarkable celebration of our Michael.

The Applin Girls


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Michael R Applin Award

We welcome your gift in memory of Michael Applin, to the Michael R. Applin Nursing Award for Transplant at Toronto General Hospital

Michael was diagnosed 10 years ago with IPF (Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis). After a 7-month wait for a lung transplant, and nearly one full month in the Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit of Toronto General Hospital, he passed away from complications on February 6th, 2009. The exemplary nursing care touched us all deeply, and the Applin family has created a legacy award to recognize and honour their superb dedication.

Nurses working in the Multi Organ Transplant Centre at Toronto General Hospital are part of a highly specialized team who provide care for patients coping with organ failure. They work closely with physicians to assess and adjust complex care plans. Their advanced training allows them to provide compassionate and innovative care for patients before, during and after transplantation.

Gifts may be made online by clicking on the linked button above. They may also be made by phone to 416.340.3935, or by mail to Toronto General and Western Hospital Foundation, 190 Elizabeth St., Toronto, ON, M5G 2C4, CANADA.

Please visit our new site dedicated to the Michael R. Applin Nursing Award at

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Celebration of Michael's Life

After a busy weekend we have the major details in place.

Funeral with reception to follow

Saturday February 14th 1 pm

St. Clement's Anglican Church
59 Briar Hill Avenue
Toronto, Ontario

For details and directions


Thursday February 12th 5 - 8 pm
Friday February 13th 2 - 4 pm and 6 - 8 pm

at Morley Bedford Funeral Services Home
159 Eglinton Avenue West
Toronto, Ontario

For details and directions

While we know flowers are traditional at the funeral home we are instead arranging for donations to be accepted for a legacy for Michael. Details to be posted no later than Tuesday.

Thank you for all the notes of condolences. Your words mean so much to us.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Great Fight

We were due to write you on Wednesday but things progressed rapidly to a very unstable condition. On Wednesday night we didn't leave the hospital until 11 pm, and had to return 4 hours later.

At this point Michael was requiring full ventilation support again which means he was no longer breathing on his own and was suffering from numerous complications. The decision was made to sedate him in order to keep him comfortable. The ICU at Toronto General left no stone unturned. They used every available medical option to stabilize and improve his condition.

We typically associate bravery with valiant efforts on the battlefield but in Michael's case the fight was fought from a hospital bed. He was the bravest man, fighting every complication that arose so that he could return to his family.

On Friday February 6th with his family surroundng him, we all accepted that the struggle was too much. We encouraged Michael to make his own decision so that the doctors and machinery didn't have to do it for him.

He received the Final Anointing and we sang his favourite hymns. Steph and Kate sang Hansel and Gretel's "Evening Prayer", Vaughn William's "God Bless the Master" and Glick's "Pslam 23". And of course, there was Bach.

Michael passed away in the afternoon. His remarkable bravery and love will impact us for the rest of our lives.

We are currently making funeral arrangements and we will post the details as soon as possible.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 23 and Holding His Own

Let me begin with remarking on the incredible kindness and generosity of our wonderful neighbours, friends and family. From all 5 of the Applin Girls, our special thanks for looking after our well-being, along with your supportive wishes for Michael!

Today was such a beautiful sunny and mild day (around 0 degrees C/32 degrees F) that we brought in Michael's glasses and he read for himself your wonderful get-well cards and wishes. The nurses in ICU encouraged us to display them for him to see and we did. The room is now as cheery as the sunny day!

As you know from this blog, Michael's two sisters Lesley and Heather are here with us from England, having arrived January 8th for his false alarm call. As frustrating as that visit began for them, the timing gave us all three great days to visit together with Michael, who by then had already been in Toronto General Hospital for 6 weeks. On Sunday morning at 6:30am Michael received the call that they had a set of lungs for him!!

Now here we are together, almost one full month later, and I don't think we three (Steph, Kate and I ) could imagine a day without the 'Aunties'. Sadly for us, they leave us on Saturday Morning, February 7th to return to their husbands and family.....I am not quite sure what life will look like here without 'My Sisters' in my daily life and this amazing mutual support system we have created. It must be like a parallel universe for house, new kitchen, new friends (we see daily in the waiting room) and a stunning amount of snow to shovel, dress for and negotiate every day. I know we will miss them terribly and only hope they can find a way to be back with us very, very soon.

We are all grateful to their husbands, Peter and Trevor, for taking on all the responsibilities in England so that Heather and Lesley could focus on Toronto and Michael. Thanks also to their great colleagues where they work for their friendship and encouragement to stay on in Canada to see their brother through this marathon. We know it has been such an important part of his recovery.

With the determination you'd expect from him, Michael is making baby-steps forward...toward the day he can leave the Intensive Care Unit and move on to the Lung Transplant Step-down Unit. That is our immediate target. I know you are all cheering him on! xoxo

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Hare and the Tortoise

The moral of the story is slow and steady wins the race. Though Mike wants to be the hare (and that's where his head is at right now) he needs to be the tortoise.

He is alert for longer periods of time and starting some basic physio (by physio we mean being lifted into a chair and sitting upright instead of being in bed). He still tires quickly but we know he is building up his energy to tell us loads of stories soon.

Mike has been sporting various hairstyles these past couple weeks as his different nurses test out their styling prowess. Anne-Marie's favourite is the slicked back, Italian style 'do. It is quite becoming!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weekend Update

After two weeks of crisis managment and owing to the exceptional care of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Toronto General Hospital (TGH), we are relieved that Mike has had two calm days in a row.

We are hopeful that he will continue to make progress.

For the moment only immediate family may visit, however as he begins to come out of sedation we are reading him your messages of love and support.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Speed Bump

We have held off writting in the hopes of having good news to report.

Michael has had a couple of rough days. He has been sedated again and is in fragile condition.

We are so grateful to have such a tremendous hospital as Toronto General where even the most difficult problems are being managed so well.

We hope to be writing better news soon.

Monday, January 19, 2009

One Week Later

It's been a week since the end of the lung transplant operation...and a week of holding our collective breath, willing him to be well. Michael is just starting to wake, slowly. He seems to be making friends with his new lungs. His surgeon tells us these new lungs are "excellent"! Just like Michael to have the best. A very good place to start!

Although he is unable to speak at the moment, he is showing signs of recognition by blinking his eyes a little and gently squeezing our hand. Each gesture seems like a gift!

The highlight is when he raises his expressive, bushy brows! We just know he has so much to tell us!

We rejoice in each small accomplishment, knowing the Herculean effort Michael makes to give us hope. We are all so very proud of him!

Stephanie, Kate and I, along with his sisters Lesley and Heather, who are with us each day now, are grateful for the kindness, cards and constant prayers you continue to send us for Michael's recovery.

We need you there for's still early in the ballgame.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day Six

Everything is in tiny steps as Mike continues to improve.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day Four

There is more improvement, in small increments again. He has been able to come off the life support and the surgery for that was successful. He remains sedated for the moment. We are grateful to our remarkale surgeons and all of Michael's fabulous team!

We are all thankful to all those who have been sending their well wishes and prayers. It means a lot to us and we know Michael is truly encouraged by all your love and caring messages.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Keeping in Touch

For those who would like to email (and are potentially confused about how to comment on a blog post as it can be difficult) please email:

Day Three

It's now Day Three and Mike is still holding his own on life support. He remains fully sedated but comfortable. The team looking after Mike at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Toronto General Hospital (TGH) is truly remarkable.

We appreciate that you have continued to check the blog for updates as we are all in and out of the hospital so often that it makes answering emails and telephone calls difficult. We are saving all your emails up for Mike to read when he is home!

Our goal is to update the blog on a daily basis in order to keep everyone up-to-date.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Serious but Stable

That is his condition as reported to us by the nurses: "Serious but stable".

It is baby steps at this point and we have all been warned that there will be bumps in the road.

Monday, January 12, 2009

It's the family here again: Anne-Marie, Kate, Steph and Mike's sisters Lesley and Heather.

There isn't an update, except to say that he is holding his own.

He would want to know that he can count on your continuing support, positive wishes and prayers.

The Applin Girls

Mike Pre-Op 12:45 pm 11/01/09

Hurry Up and Wait

This just in:

The surgery was finished around midnight, but there are complications. And so we wait...

All updates will be posted here, on the blog. Please check back.

-Steph, Anne-Marie and Kate

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It Looks Like a Go

It's 12.45 on Sunday afternoon and I've done all the prep work including a long session with the anaesthetist plus my first dose of cyclosporine.

The gurney is coming in 15 minutes so it looks like we are really on this time.

Kate made it in from Waterloo in time to see me.

Talk to you all on the other side.

The Second Call

It's 6.30 on Sunday, January 11th and they have just woken to me to say there is another set of lungs available. They knew at midnight but this time they let me sleep.

I'm now going through the prepping and they have done a cardiogram and a chest x-ray.

Next comes blood work and that involves giving 10 vials of blood. No wonder I have low blood pressure - I'm going to start charging for the stuff!

No food from now on - pity because today is Raisin Bran, my favourite.

If this goes ahead as planned the next few posts will come from my family with updates.

I'm petty calm this time around - the dry run helped.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

False Alarm

After being prepped - xray, cardiogram, blood tests, long white stockings etc. - and waiting 18 hours without food and water, they have just told me that the lungs are not good enough.

So it's back to waiting. The dry run helps to prepare and here's hoping next time is soon.

I'm not hugely disappointed. I plan to be around for a while yet and need nothing but the best pair of lungs possible.

Huge thanks to all of you who have sent messages of best wishes and encouragement. They are most heartening and buoy me along as I look forward to the next call.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Call

It's just past midnight on Jan 8th and the night nurse has woken me to tell me they have lungs for me.

I've to wait until the doctors come to tell me more - "just get some sleep" she tells me "and nothing to eat or drink".

Dam. I was thinking of the last of the Christmas cake and some single malt!